Tuesday, November 24, 2009

6 Reasons Not to Date the Around the Way Girl (Praying Mantis)

Don't be a pawn in her demeaning azz mind games, even if she can unbuckle your belt with her feet...Dayum, it sounds hard but trust me.
6 Reasons Not to Date the Around the Way Girl (Praying Mantis)

1. This girl makes you feel awkward as f^ck. The manly feeling of knowing that you have not had more sexual partners than she, strips you of this triumphant time of conceit. Knowing that she has vanquished more pottage meat than you have pits of peach is quite unattractive.

2. You will constantly ask "Is there anything I'm doing brand new?" WTF, could you do that many others have not already done to this well weathered court yard of sexual prowess.
-Sometimes you have to stick to your guns, but you can't win them all. Most likely you won't win her in the bed.

3. Trust when you're out and about with her you will think every guy that looks at her banged her or could if he tried hard enough.

4. She probably did it, beacuse she's crazy.
a. She was sexually assualted.
b.Or maybe she never had a true father figure.
c. Maybe she's a man-hater and gains strength making men weak to the poonina.
All of the above. She shouldn't be dating you, unless your a d^mn psychiatrist.

5. She's stupid, what woman would actually reveal to you how many men she slept with, she would simply lie about it or divide the number in half or some sh!t, courtesy god d^mn it. At least her lies would consist of some sort of morale rather than reveal a womantis on the prowl for the next man-part she could devour(the irony).

6. You don't want to be Christopher...Christopher Columbus. You can't get it out your mind that she's been discovered over and over again. It's all that's in your mind. Until you find yourself daydreaming and all she's saying is "Come-on-bus". I don't know about you, but I wanna be like the man on the moon.

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Anonymous Kyron said...

I feel like this should be in the good book

November 24, 2009 at 8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i know few ppl in this world don't care bout that count and those are people and the reason y there is such a high count of HIV and other STD's in this world

November 24, 2009 at 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I be wit hella females but no matter how many I be wit the same ?'s go through my head in the beginning "If I got it this easy how many other guys den did the same?"

November 24, 2009 at 11:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah right?

March 25, 2010 at 7:03 PM  

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