Monday, December 14, 2009

Team Effort: Men are Inclined to Help Other Men Get Laid

Team Efforts are always something men have excelled in rather its basketball or football, we can always seem to bring it together for a the big Hoorah(sex). Team Effort is especially important when we see one another trying to slam dunk with a female; rather it was the valet guy, waiter, or even the police officer that stopped you for speeding but gave you a warning since you had a real looker in the passenger side. Us, guys always want to make the night go as smooth as we can so you/we can smash, our cooperation or ASSistance is usually contingent on how bad your chick is.

Essentially, it’s a list of unwritten Booty Codes of Conduct and I would be more than happy to expound upon a few.

COC-I- No Male Shall Hate on His Male Brethren
Hating is the root of all evil. Once one is consumed by such frivolous feelings as jealousy and envy, they make rash decisions. Hate and Contempt clouds judgment. Acts out of jealousy are done in concern of self, which is ultimately counterproductive to an “us”. If one is to hate or be jealous, they are a loose cannon, a bouncing radical in this house of sold dreams. As men we are each others most valuable resources, with every woman we encounter the potential for network has presented itself. Which brings up my next point…

COC-II- It Ain’t No Fun If the Homies Can’t Get None
The number one cause of Hating is the neglecting of this code. It is as much as your responsibility to get your brother laid, as you, yourself. Sure you don’t have to unzip his pants for him, but everyone must eat.1 Pass the mothaf^ckin ball. If you’re a great and you always carry the team, you must understand you can’t truly be great until you make those around you better (Heard that on Sportscenter. Good point, huh? I know). Refer to Jordan.^^^^

COC-III- Tattletales Shall Not Be Tolerated
We all learned this grammar school, even teachers didn’t like tricks, and the black community wonders why we still won’t snitch.*shakes head in dismay* This is a hard topic because I do have some morals; sometimes people deserve to be told the truth, but the argument of truth being morally right isn't up for debate. The debate arises at the origin or initial reason why the truth must be told, which in most cases is never serious enough to trick on yo boys.

COC-IV- There Must Be A Game Plan
Game plans can refer to strategy, but in this instance they shall represent damage control. Your team should usually be current on your relationship happenings. So, if your girl or any other snooping nimwads should inquire about you, your guys have a succinct alibi. This protects you from the cross-referencing that chicks try to impose.

COC-V- Bros Over H0es
This is the most important code of them all. It should be attached to your male DNA, if you ever forget any of the previous rules you mustn’t ever forget Bros Over H0es. No one supersedes your boys, your boys should always have your back. Booty just cant replace Brothas. The same principals should be held for women.

Those were the Booty-Codes of Conduct, there wasn’t many but they are of grave importance. Its all about principalities and sh!t. They can lead to most of your nights ending as such…

The assurance of such 'fortunate events’ is a night ending with a floor covered in snatched-off clothes, condom wrappers, and a leg hanging out a bed of sweaty wrangled sheets; which is similar to dap given to a team member for making a free throw…

And always, keep your head in the game.
1.One of the most important rules of hustling. Everyone eats will minimize number of haters. Refer to Paid in Full

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bro you definitely demolished this shit. You covered all aspects of team-work. Above all though Bros before Hoes.


December 14, 2009 at 12:57 PM  
Blogger R.E.D. Inc. said...

Follow these rules you'll have mad chicks to split up!

December 14, 2009 at 1:57 PM  

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