Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Godly Dildo

You might look me square in the eyes and fix your crusty or preferably luscious lips to ask, "What is the Godly Dildo?"

The Godly Dildo is today's black woman's excuse to use religion as her weapon against all sane and ladylike behavior. She's grips this religious phallus symbol with all her might to cut through all male counterparts. It's her hypocritical genocide of orderly thinking. How can she be so promiscuous, then simultaneously be a motherf^cking devout Christian?

Women kill me with the religious bullsh!t they try to shovel. In the light they say, "I know what I stand for and I know what I believe in". But in the dark they have more sexual partners then a damn bunny ranch employee with student loans hanging over their head like fucking mistletoes. Their thinking is worse than sinner and saint. Because when we assess what type of person a sinner and saint is, we see an individual that is not greedy and committed to serving society even though they have sinful ways. These women are sluts that use religion as a hot spot towel; no woman can clean themselves in less than five minutes and be fresh. This short time in which they clean themselves is representative of the short relationship they actually have with God, Allah, or whomever you'd like to call him/her today.

They do whatever they like and front like they are so f^cking down for God, the sh!t kills me. Its infuriating to see a person not abide by any of the rules. When they do as they please they throw that f^ckin bible under the God damn bed and begin to do sh!t Mary Magdalene would blush at. But when their threatened or someone tries to tell them what the f^ck they are or who they are they clench that bible tighter than that squirrel clinched that nut in Ice Age.

These sexual, hypocritical fiends have made the bible a helpless pocket-sized d!ck that can be ridden at will. I wonder if its payback for black men turning the word of god into a big D!ck that they use to fuck half of the congregation with. It will remain the same, people will take things and pick and choose what they want to receive and not receive. But at the end of the day I can't f^ck with or condone such nonsense and bullshit.

Peace, The Hallway

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


January 12, 2010 at 2:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you seem really passionate with this post. first hand experience?

why all the posts about the females gotta be about hos? Why "lift up" your brothers with ways to "unite" to get females BUT talk about women, Black women specifically, in such a pejorative manner? And who

i understand that you're a guy and you have more experience with females from the perspective your providing your audience and I'm not saying don't talk about females at all but what about the round away dudes? the sanctified church men who may not use the Godly Dildo but have the spiritual blow-up doll? (just to go along with the whole sex toy thing).

one last thing: is our ability to form a relationship with whomever we consider to be our supreme being defined solely by our sexuality (excess or lack thereof)? how important is an overabundance of sexuality in the comparison to helping others, knowing God/Yahweh/Allah for oneself, and having a spiritual connection with god?

in summary, i'm not saying i'm down for putting up fronts or acting holier-than-thou because that shits just annoying but according to most christian theology sin is sin; whether its f***ing everybody or telling these people "who they are" making judgments upon them, its all the same in the eyes of god.

January 13, 2010 at 2:13 AM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

@ Anonymous

Wow I love the feedback.

I will not continue to bash my black sisters in such uncomplimentary ways. Though thus far most of the posts have been directed towards them(women), I have issues with both sexes, I just haven’t found the time to get in both of their azzes as of yet.

And no, our relationship with the supreme one is not solely defined through our sexual behavior, but our sexual conduct, which is such a strong factor in many of our lives is a great indicator of how devoted we are. Because many aren’t willing to make physical sacrifices in order to receive the blessings they seek or the identity that they claim to have. This is one reason why I can understand so many of the Muslim’s physical obstructions (prayin five times a day, veils, pilgrimage, etc).

The main idea I wanted to express was that many people like to put up this religious façade that they aren’t even remotely close to being . That is quite sickening. I might pass judgment but I wont ever lie to you.

But if I am able to pass a judgment that means for me, that I have taken my time to critically assess an issue and if you can argue my point I can further challenge the validity or weakness of my thought/argument.

I understand where you’re coming from, very much so. But this is some truth and opinion, just like Christian theology, which is actually a religious theory or belief which equates to even less truth then my opinions, lol.

In closing thanks for the comment. Follow me and put a name to your anonymous, so that we can discuss more topics.


January 13, 2010 at 2:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh spare me your bullshit u sit here and basically talk shit but aint bout nothing i mean mufuckas can write a whole book on you lets be real.

March 25, 2010 at 7:18 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

What would be the title of this book, I am quite intrigued?

March 25, 2010 at 9:06 PM  

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