Tuesday, February 2, 2010

4 Things I Hate about HBCU Parties- Snippet Version

HBCU's are great, composed of black and beautiful intellectuals. How could you go wrong? We work hard, we study hard and we play hard. We love it, but I'd rather talk about some of the things we hate for starters...

1. At HBCU's the DJ's, the DJ's be regular n!ggaz like you that sound like they got their song selection from a f^cking cell phone. They do it on a laptop or they find a weak DJ that's still developing his Djing skills right before your f^cking eyes, horrible, deplorable mixes.

2. There's always a guy just like you getting paid to throw a weak azz party that you could have easily thrown if you only had an apartment. Because Imma hater anyway, I repulse at his success. It is nearly impossible to have an empty azz party in college.

3. There's no food, no chicken, chips and dip, and not even ice cream. Its only alcohol, unless your on an alcohol diet than that's cool, but I know the a college diet is suicide. Ramen noodles and honey buns are not necessarily good eats. Then they wonder why they past out when "She Gotta Donk" came on. That's why I swag surf my black azz straight to the grocery store.

4. In the DMV they listen to GO-GO, I would thrash this f^cking music here once and for all, but I must attend my school for the next four yrs. I will say it's not f^cking wit juke, steppin', or chopped and screwed music. The only songs I approve of are "Pretty Girl" and "Overnight Scenario".

The longer edition will be coming soon, which will depict the different characters or roles people play at these parties such as the choreographers, flower walls, thugs(?), fake promoters and DJ's, etc. You decide who you are...until then. Deuces Y (I thought Y looked like two fingers making a peace sign, *kanye shrug*)

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Anonymous Mac said...

Bro you are never going to find a Black Party ANYWHERE that takes the time to serve food...just do what I do and pull a Bra-man and investigate the fridge at your own leisure

February 2, 2010 at 11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


February 3, 2010 at 12:21 AM  
Anonymous Ace Moore said...

This is all true! Especially about the average negroes who gain campus fame off of mediocre parties..

February 3, 2010 at 1:15 AM  

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