Tuesday, October 18, 2011

And Other Coonery...Howard's Afro Blue

Howard's own Afro Blue have been in the media a lot recently, because of their sultry and precise vocal abilities. Most of us(African-Americans) sit at home knowing d@mn well no one else should win other than Afro Blue on the show the Sing-Off, and if someone does then the sh!t is scripted. On this particular night  they performed the living legend, Whitney Houston's song "Dance with Somebody", which was great like all their other performances.

However, this blog isn't gonna particularly focus on Afro Blue's singing abilities, but rather the judges small skirmish. If you remember, Sara Bareilles congratulates Afro Blue on their "musicality" and says how she loves the "wedding dance"*raises eyebrow* that they threw in their performance. Then, Shawn Stockman corrects her, emphasizes that they did the Soul Train Line. Without saying so, he interjects and tells her that this is of black origin. This dance is of the black people, community and diaspora.

If you are black and if you are an American you know the effect that Soul Train had on America, it was the bigger and better and cooler American Bandstand. I am only 20 years of age, but even I know that during its hay-day everyone wanted to be on Soul Train. Soul Train was your big break. It made me smile seeing Mr. Stockman correct her and say "Naw, that's the Soul Train Line." Do not take our traditions and cultivations, and minimize them. We and our contributes to popular culture also to the world are not nameless. Don't water down our history and relegate it to some no name, no history having act.

It's the small acts that don't get noticed enough. If ever you are black and you are on a naitional stage, correcting misinformation is a protest to ignorance. Shawn Stockman's interjection was a protest, it was as gangster as you can get without throwing up a black fist. While Ms. Bareilles says "n!gga shut up" in so many words jokingly saying instead "can ya'll turn this mic off."

MY RESPONSE- Not at all my mic is always on and ready to speak up for what is grossly incorrect and ill-conceived.

Happy Homecoming. I'm out. The floor is yours...LIKE theSUNK

*And Other Coonery...is the title for all things dealing with the black community that rub me the wrong way or dealing with others(other races) who don't understand the black community that rub me the wrong way. In no way, shape or form am I calling Afro Blue coons. Hopefully, you can read.

I'm gone forreal this time.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...


You're right - we do need to start let's say - throwing bows a- about the misinformation and stop letting people get away with it. Especially when we have a national platform.

October 20, 2011 at 11:15 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

fromraewithlove.com Im glad u feel the same. I hate when people do not cite who created something, rather black people started it or not

October 21, 2011 at 11:21 AM  

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