Thursday, April 21, 2011

Did You Leave your Panties at Home?: The Lost Art of Flirting

Send a man on a chase. How can you be hard to get, if you don't know how to flirt? If flirting is essential to dating, then it is not men's fault if they do no court or date you, it's yours. It is your fault if all they talk about is sex or are overbearing. Flirting allows you to have control over how things move along; a woman's ability to flirt makes her intriguing and someone worth being pursued by a man. Attraction is the electrical current of a relationship, and it doesn't always have to be sexual. Flirting can be playful, make sparks fly between you and your pursuer.  Here's some sh!t you need to know, on why and how you should flirt:

Why You Should:

Possess His Mind and His Penis
  If you can only satisfy him sexually through physical means than you have only won 1/5th of the battle, these five things being smell, sound, visual, touch, and mind (flirting). Most men possess their own penis, going throughout life trying to slay as much pink fluffy stuff as they can. However by flirting you can make him mentally give you this ownership, because he wants to be and spend time with you.

Men Do Not Date Dick-Teases For Long
  Be a D!ck Tease if you want and the only thing you will find yourself teasing is yourself at night. There's a misconception that man love the chase. It's true men do love the chase, but men only love to chase storylines that they know the ending to. Flirting to spark things up is different than being a d!ck tease, when you know damn well your not going to give it up- so don't waste his time. Why spark a fire, if you never plan to roast the hot dog?

Through Flirting You Control the Pace
  Your new relationship wouldn't be moving so fast if you actually flirted or controlled the advances made towards you. When you flirt, the flirtee (man) is on the receiving or responsible end. When you're always being pursued, you always will be reactive rather than active. The active person controls the pace, the reactive person accepts or tries to reject that pace.
How You Should:

Be Spontaneous
  Men and women hate routine, even though men usually do become predictable at times. Send him sexy messages, wear a color he says he likes, or bite your lips when you talk to him. Make him remember why he was chasing you in the first place.

Listen to and Do His Fantasies or Desires
  When he says he likes something take note, don't just take it for what it is. This doesn't mean you have to do everything he says he likes, but men notice the small things too. If he said he never did something and would like to, if your comfortable with that fantasies do it for him. Know him like the back of your hand; think of this relationship as a game. Not a game to win, but a game to play.

Be Playful
  Children are so adorable, because they forget so easily. If you all have an awkward moment, ease the situation and quickly forget. Men love easy going women. Make sure he enjoys his time with you, if you can make a man truly smile than you might be able to keep him forever.

Remember to relax and flirt, have fun.

How do you flirt? Is there something you do that always works for getting the man you want? Do you find it hard to flirt? Do you think flirting is a lost cause or doesn't matter?

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Anonymous Alexis said...

I enjoy flirting and I try to flirt. It just comes natural I guess, but some guys just don't seem to be into flirting. Maybe it's because we're not on the same page?

But it seems to me that guys need to work on their flirt game too! There's nothing that turns me on more than a guy who can give me butterflies and make giggly like a school girl.

April 21, 2011 at 11:54 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

I agree, flirting is enjoyable. Maybe you just haven't found that guy that's your perfect flirt. Thanks for commenting, alexis

April 23, 2011 at 12:20 PM  

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