Friday, September 30, 2011

11 Things That The Hallway Finds Suspicious

This blog is just a fun laid back post for all the things I find suspicious and do not trust. Thank God It's Friday... 11 Things I Wouldn't Trust Even I Raised 'Em

1. Blind People
I couldn't be the only person that doesn't believe most blind people aren't actually blind. I swear this supposedly "blind" guy was staring at me.

2. People That Carry Multiple Bags
Why Do you need a purse, laptop case, and a duffel bag. It makes me quite nervous seeing a person carrying too much sh!t looks like they're on a mission to me.

3. Cats
Cats are creepy. I do not need a pet that has mystery, give me a dog. Simple and loyal.

4. People That Get Along with Everyone
You a Social Butterfly, huh? And everybody likes you. Nah, Nah doggy biscuit.

5. Unsaved Numbers
Most the time if I get a call from a number I haven't saved I answer and don't say anything until the person who's calling says something( you've done that before) or I just don't answer at all. If I haven't saved your number it's usually for a reason.

6. Asian Toddlers
Think about it? Have you ever seen an asian baby? I see hella old and grown asian people, but I never see no f^cking asian babies. I think asian women give birth to grown asian people. It's so many asians I wouldn't be surprised if they grew them in the Longji Terrace Fields of the LongSheng City.

7. Politicians
This is pretty self-explanatory. Mostly because people are never who they claim to be.

8. Diet Products
I honestly don't believe that diet is that much more healthier. If you want diet, drink an imaginary coke all the flavor without the calories, you idiot.

9. Creamy/Thick Soup
You can hide anything in a bowl of soup, I'm sure that's where the Champion of Hide and Go Seek Bin Laden hid from Bush. I just do not trust soup that isn't translucent.

10. Sound of Heels
When you hear the butt of heels hit the floor, it puts you in suspense. Like "who the F^ck is this?" In scary movies hearing shoes on the floor is never a good look.

11. Restaurant Water
I'm really not bout that mystery water, and I sure as hell don't believe- just because you squeeze your lemon in there the sh!t is instantaneously all you have is lemon flavored toilet water.

What are some things that you find suspicious? Seriously, have you ever seen an asian toddler besides on TV(I'm sure there's a shortage)? Do you own a cat? Do you really believe blind people are actually blind? Are you one of those diet product buying mfr's I'm talking about?

I'm Out

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Anonymous Amy M said...

Q: What are some things that you find suspicious?
A: Liars, Cheaters, People that talk too much, Gay people, the Government, hospitals, private businesses, White people, and the list goes on.

Q: eriously, have you ever seen an asian toddler besides on TV(I'm sure there's a shortage)?
A: I have seen one recently but I cannot remember where lol

Q: Do you own a cat?

Q: Do you really believe blind people are actually blind?
A: Hmmmm this is a good question... If they are they are. I just don't understand how they will have sex.

Q: Are you one of those diet product buying mfr's I'm talking about?
A: If buying a bottle of diet pills that I never used then yes I am.

September 30, 2011 at 12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAOOOOOOO WOWWW this list was too fukking funny

September 30, 2011 at 1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! This post was hilarious and you actually made some valid points.

People that get along with everyone are definitely suspicious. I always are you cool with everyone?! In school the cool kids who were friends with everyone were usually the hustlers or the freaks. lol

I gotta admit I rarely see Asian babies. I never noticed that until now. That's weird yo! You wild though. Talkin bout they give birth to grown people. Could you imagine that. Sounds like something that belongs on the show Fringe. Where the woman gives birth to a baby and it' a old man a few hours later. Talk about creepy.

Trust me...I NEVER drink restaurant water. All it took was going to one questionable restaurant in the south and I was convinced that I would never drink restaurant water again in my life.

Great post. I'm really diggin your blog!

October 9, 2011 at 1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO Clicking heels was fucking hilarious. "Who the fuck is this?"

Toilet water? Gross.

October 10, 2011 at 4:23 AM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

@up4dsn Thanks for enjoying the blog. Im trying to hear this story about the "one questionable restaurant"?

@anon10/10 I hate hearing heels click on the floor unless I already know who it is. However, hearing yourself walk does make you feel more authoritative.

October 10, 2011 at 1:28 PM  
Anonymous Up4Dsn said...

It was a restaurant in Georgia. I don't remember the name all I remember is that it was in Cobb county. I thought the place looked suspect before we went in, but the people I was traveling with insisted on going to the restaurant because they wanted some 'Southern barbeque'. To put it simply, we were the only blacks in the restaurant and we were getting funny looks the moment we walked in. To speed things up I order a water and it arrived in what looked like a dirty glass and the water itself looked 'funny'. I'm not the type of person to take chances when it comes to my food...or drink. So I didn't order anything or drink that water. The people who did drink the water said it had a funny taste and they got sick later from the food they ate. That was one time I learned you can't trust every restaurant, because you never know who is preparing your meals. You know?

October 11, 2011 at 10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


February 14, 2012 at 2:10 AM  

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