Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A World of Fun Girls: Are You a Hoe or a Free Spirit?

There seems to be some confusion between what is a hoe and what is a free spirit. Some women think there isn't a difference, but every woman isn't created equal. Some p^ssy gets a pass and others get revered as being hoeish. What separates a rich man that gives from another rich man that gives? It's the intent, the reason behind the giving. "If I can speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but am destitute of Love, I have but become a loud-sounding trumpet or a clanging cymbal." Cor. 13:1(Hoes and Bible Verses. SMH)

A free spirited woman lives her life to the fullest, she doesn't live according to the statuses that society ascribes to her. She is open minded and does what she feels. She is lively and vibrant. Usually her sexually freedom comes out of passion and expression. She has sex with who she desires, rather than everyone that desires her. However, she does not desire everyone. She isn't judged by who she sleeps with or has slept with because something wholly unto her is special. She owns her sexuality, she isn't owned by those who have sex with her. When you have sex with a free spirit rather it was the same day or a year from when you first met, you will look at her the same because how and why she had sex was all the difference.

A hoe is a woman that is sexual captive. A hoe is a sexual deviant. Her sexual appetite usually derives from some sort of hurt, disparity, or anguish that she has experienced in life. She has sex because she's bored or just because someone was around. Hoes don't have any discretion. Hoes will f^ck out of malice and manipulation. They sometimes want to be able to control those around them through sex. A lot of hoes, didn't even mean to be hoes...most hoes aren't happy and are oblivious to the cycle that they are going through.

A hoe never had your respect, a free spirit commands it. Free spirits leave happiness and warmth, while hoes leave broken pleasure and nauseous wondering. Some might say, "Maybe the free-spiritied b!tch is just a better manipulator." Then I would reply a free spirit doesn't want to manipulate(control or influence), because her free-spiritedness or sexual prowess is grounded in freedom. Free spirits live every aspect of life with no regards to others, which is why they cannot be judged. Hoes live their lives according to others(though they will dispute that they don't), which is why they can be used.

How the term "hoe" is used in this blog can be applied to both men and women, men can be hoes if they f^ck any and everything without discretion; my friends and I categorize this behavior as worthless.

Have You Ever Been a Hoe? Or are You a Free Spirit? What makes you either of these? Do You Actually Think There is a Difference or Am I Just Kicking Sh!t? Corithians 13 is Everybody's Favorite Bible Verse, Right? If Not, What's Your Favorite Bible Verse?

You want to read more? Check out my old post---->Skandalous: Can You Turn a Hoe Into a Housewife?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This a real ass post... Worthless

February 7, 2012 at 7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real Talk though! Men don't wife up or marry free spirit chicks, so it would behoove ANY free spirited woman to keep that shyte under wraps and not let dude know she's about that type of life. Free Spirit (Fun girls) are good for the "Fun Times" cuz she is just that-- exciting and fun but if ole boy is looking for long term -- trust me! It won't be her in the end. "Catch 22"

February 8, 2012 at 4:46 PM  
Blogger All The Single Ladies said...

I get this...behind the idea of free-spirits and hoes is a deeper meaning-how a man or woman sees and loves him or herself. Hoes never feel good about themselves, ever. Hoes don't love themselves and use the temporary gratification of sex as a band-aid; hoping to cover the hurt and hide whatever caused the hurt. I know this, I was such a hoe for such a long time...I used to cry after havin sex...that's how bad it was. But I became that free spirit. I learned to embrace me and love myself! I became that beautiful, strong, confident woman who picks and chooses her partners; who loves it all and loves her life. I am who I am and love who I am. Sex now is just fun and not a crutch. It's for exploring and discovering. It's for touching and feeling and enjoying. It's done out of desire and not out of need.

And unlike Anonymous 2 I believe "Catch 22" does not exist. What I have learned is that men want that strong, confident, beautiful, freaky, spirited woman. I've had more damn proposals than I can count! Bottom line: Love yourself for who you are and others whether they are short-term or not will too!

February 8, 2012 at 9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this post has no real substance and is irrelevant.smdh

February 9, 2012 at 8:06 AM  

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