Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Nobody's Safe: The Fag Factor 3

People always have countless arguments about gay men being born that way. *Shoulder Shrug* I suppose, but I have a clear-cut view of the three fags that there are. You have the biologicals, the homo thugs, and the temptresses. I will break down all three of them for you and please don't be sensitive and be turned off by the word fag, if you are you're a pr!ck because there are worse words.

Biologicals: These are the little boys that were sweeter than a cup of project cool aid and softer than cotton candy sitting on a stack of cottonelle. Everyone knew by the time they were five that it wasn't they homo stage n!ggaz have and that they indeed were going to be gay. They couldn't help it. They played with their sister's doll not because they were curious of the female anatomy, but because they wanted to be hip on the new trends.

These males have a chemical imbalance they can't help but to be attracted to other males. It's hard for me to swallow(no homo) but it's true. They were born that way. No matter how straight they tried to be, they always ended up swinging that way.

Homo-thugs: These are the rotten apples of the black community, because they don't inform their women of the things they do in the dark. They try to reject their gayness, even though they can be caught biting more pillows than a toddler afraid of the Boogie Man. You know all about these down low thugs, I need not repeat what everyone else has told you.

Temptresses: Now these motherf^ckers can get shot on sight. They are like, that ugly dude that follows the woman around the gas station tryna holla even though he knows he has a better chance at getting a cold shower in hell. They know the men they look at or approach aren't gay, but naw they want to turn n!ggaz out. They want to seduce other men that aren't primarily gay(idk, maybe I'm kinda iffy on that cause you either gay or your not hence homo thugs) nonetheless they approach straight men. I put these men in the class of pedophiles, I'm not going to even lie to you, because they seek to corrupt those who are weak minded. *shrug*

But you be the judge, I'm just handing you my opinionated evidence. I know the homo thugs are going to put some money on my head (no homo, lol)

Later, I will talk about lesbianism affects on the black community. Peace

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Anonymous Amy M said...

Think you could've went into it a little better but this was good!

July 7, 2011 at 1:34 PM  

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