Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And Other Coonery: Cupcakes, Stripper Poles, and Jay Walking

Some days I just sit and think about what certain attitudes or things in popular culture symbolize to me. This is just one of those days where cupcakes shouted "individualism", stripper poles shrieked "black feminism" and jay-walking yelled "social deviance". Enjoy...


Cakes being divided into cupcakes symbolize more than just cute. Cupcakes with their own candles express one's own wants and desires. Individualism isn't an entirely bad thing, but like anything in excess it becomes a hindrance. Individualism is a threat to communal good, because of individual selfishness. Cupcakes represent people wanting their own individual cake. It seems as if people have forgotten how to share, how to cut pieces of a whole and spread it amongst one another. Individualism consumes society as a whole, and distorts the image of community.

Stripper Poles=Black Feminism

When did stripper poles begin to represent black female sexuality? Black women only wanting to be looked at and not touched, pampered but not cared for. Black women's sexuality is represented with a  metal pole with random hands groping, swinging and manhandling it. The romance between black man and woman is as cold as the atmosphere in the strip club. Black men can only be taken seriously as tricks, only there for manipulation by the purple or pink clit that summons them. Have our penises only become sources of pleasure and abuse, for the black woman does not welcome our true companionship of conversation, laugh, giggles, and cuddling; somehow they believe we can't offer them that. They only crave our abuse of their insides-stomach, pussy and even anus. For it seems like they can find companionship in other women.

JayWalking=Social Deviance/Delinquents or Communal Appeal

Jay-Walking represents the F^ck You Mentality of our generation. This very quick, but paramount moment is just enough to satisfy a person's ego, it's a quick F^CK You to the driver, the person with a destination, the person with somewhere to go, the dominant in the situation. They smile and think...
"you can't hit me, I dare you, you gone wait while I take my time, I don't have anything to do, I'm mad that you do, where the f^ck you going anyway, f^ck you, I f^cking dare you to hit me..."
Think about it critically, What human being yet living creature would put itself in harms way? Can a 100, 200, or 300(watch out for the big girls)-pound person live after being hit by a 2-ton vehicle? "He11 naw, I can answer that for you". Conversely, this short f^ck you is worth their life, because they feel they have to appeal to authority. Have you ever noticed in a busy intersection how a mob can stop traffic and will? Because though the lone jay-walker is usually negative, this act as a group represents our salient matter how rare or minuscule it may seem. People will usually come together for a common incentive.

Are there certain things in your environment that tell you a story? Are you starting to understand why part of 's description is "and other coonery? "And Other Coonery" reflects American culture and the coonish things displayed in it and my take or critical assessment of such things. Though the main things I talk about are sex and relationships, this site is much more than that...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved reading this! Very insightful & unique (:

December 10, 2011 at 7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love this

February 19, 2012 at 10:24 PM  

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