Monday, January 14, 2013

Diners That We All Hate to Go Out and Eat With

Everyone enjoys food. More importantly people like to go out and enjoy good food with one another. Thus we schedule dinner, lunch, or breakfast dates with the sole intention of sharing wisdom and enjoying good eats. Most of the time it's fun, other times not so much. Nonetheless, this is just a random list of people we all hate to be stuck at a restaurant with:

Mr/Mrs. No Inside Voice
Have yo ever sat next to the person that left their inside voice outside? You're sitting across the table from them and they act as if you were across the street. All the things you were trying to keep on the low these mothaf^ckas blurt out. 

Mr/Mrs. Inappropriate
Everyone has a friend that discusses things at the most inopportune time. The friend that makes everyone at the table feel weird and awkward. The one person that you wish could keep a lid on it every once and awhile. The best time to talk about *insert names* behavior might not be while *insert names* is sitting right there. Everything was cool just a bite ago?

Mr/Mrs. You Want That?
Extra hungry mothaf^ckas wanna eat they plate and watch you eat yours. Trying make you pick sh!t they haven't eaten before so they can finish your plate with the quickness.

Mr/Mrs. Indecisive
Man my boy is the most indecisive mothaf^cka to have ever stepped into a restaurant. No lie, we'll discuss what we are going to get at White Palace(Chicago sh!t) and when the waiter gets there this cat doesn't know what he wants.
"What's the special?
Aight lemme get lemon tea.
Matter fact do ya'll have earl grey tea.
My bad, but what's the special today?
Aight lemme get the soup and I don't even want the tea no more."
I swear that sh!t happens every time, never fails. Not to mention we've been to this restaurant over 50 times. Seriously, at least 50 times.

Mr/Mrs. No Table Manners
Don't know how to eat pasta properly, but you always wanna order pasta. You never put your napkin on your lap. Someone ask you to pass something, but you just gotta use it before you give it to them. Your table manners are just poor. If you need to get your dining etiquette up, click here.

Mr/Mrs. On-the-Phone
I've been guilty of this, eating dinner with someone and you just can't put the phone down. Checking Twitter, Instagram, this blog, etc. Nowadays people excuse themselves to the restroom just to check their phone. It's kinda getting outta hand how attached we are to our phones.

Mr/Mrs. Bad Tippers
Bad tippers are the worst to go out and eat with. If going out to eat wasn't already expensive enough you gotta make up for a bad tipper's bad tip. Some people don't even tip. SO you gotta pay for your meal, tip, and tip for a mothaf^cka that doesn't tip so you don't look bad. But that's an easy problem to solve, just don't invite that uncouth excuse for a diner the next you go out to eat.

Are there any other horrible diners that weren't mentioned? What was your worse dining experience?

To the new people that have come to, I'm glad you're here. I haven't written as often as I'd like or hope to. I've been stricken with a little writer's block, but if you have suggestions or guest blogs just send them to my email. Guest blogs are always welcome. Comments are welcome as well. Hopefully, I'll drop another post this week. Also if I'm not updating the blog, I am always updating the FACEBOOK PAGE or Twitter and even Instagram at theSUNK.

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Blogger TheMochaPeach said...

Mr/Mrs " eat that sh*t"? aka "You eat real white" (healthy)....Stay out my g*damn plate and don't worry about my culinary tastes. IF I wanna put oil and vinegar on my salad instead of nasty ass Ranch..Imma do that! If i like to separate my food in sections and eat it that way...I will! IF i wanna eat mad carbs and no veggies..I WILL! GET OUT MY PLATE!

January 14, 2013 at 10:42 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

@TheMochaPeach My boy and I were just talking about how ghetto chicks love hella ranch on their salads. Veggies don't even be good for you anymore when they're smothered in that Hidden Valley.

I also separate my food into sections and usually have to finish the last bite with everything I have on my plate

Great additions!

January 14, 2013 at 10:47 PM  
Blogger Candi said...

I am Mrs. Indecisive on top of I like to see what the food looks like before purchasing. This includes things that I have already eaten before LOL!!! smh

I work with people all day (customer service), I wouldn't say that I'm a bad tipper but I am a bitch-critic. I can't stand being served by someone who blatantly shows they don't feel like being at work, especially when I'm being extra nice to them.

January 15, 2013 at 8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about Mr./Mrs. Cheap? I like a Big Mac every now and then, but not all the damn time. Also, Mr/Mrs. No Inside Voice gets on my last damn nerve. Damn, we see you. You aint got to shout!!!! Ugh.....

February 12, 2013 at 6:43 PM  

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