Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Skandalous: Can You Turn a Hoe Into a Housewife?

People Change. Birds Fly. Hoes F^ck. Can you turn a hoe into a housewife? You can't spell "housewife" without "h0e" and "us". Is an "us" enough to turn a person into one that can be completely committed to you? Whores have tongues made of sugar and minds made of rotten deceit, but how could you know? A fat a$$ and a smile is like a cloud of smoke to any d!ck with a pulse. Nonetheless it is true "no, you can't turn a hoe into a housewife because hoes just don't act right" Tupac.

However a reformed hoe is as good as new, time changes a hoe- not a man nor the promises or wishes a man can grant can change her though. Hoes are like junkies and their only vice is d!ck, deception, power, and manipulation; they want control. Most of the time sex is at the bottom of the list. There is two type of hoes- the one's that are on a power trip and the others that want to mend a broken heart not with glue or love, but with cum. It's pointless to continue to write about if you can turn a hoe into a housewife, so instead I will give you reasons why you cant...

They Don't Want to Change, Hoes are like Habits Hard to Break
Hoes drop it like it's hot more than the average waiter. Hoe's ladyparts are very friendly and once you get comfortable doing such friendly acts, they're hard to break. It takes commitment to change. Commitment that they are not normally accustomed to. Not to mention hoes are usually the rebellious type, but have unfortunately become rebellious with their va-jay-jay instead of their minds.

Missing Out?
They don't want monogamy, because they feel like they might miss out on something. This is why n!ggas cant leave the hood and go to school. They can't leave the scene, because they think something is going to come up. However, reformed hoes that find love realized that the landscape is usually much greener on the other side.

Hoes like variety, one man/woman isn't enough for them. Yet it takes that one man/woman that they love to leave- for them to truly come to the realization that one is all they needed and more was all they wanted.

Alot of hoes don't believe they're hoes, just like alcoholics or junkies. Many of these people don't or won't admit they have a problem, and you cannot change what you don't believe to be wrong. Acceptance of your hoeish ways are the first step in cooch recovery.

YOU: Your Not Worth It
Some people aren't worth the time and effort of a hoe changing their ways to deal with them. You might just be a lame and the lifestyle hoes are afforded by throwing it back to random guys is not worth giving up for you. It takes a special person to encourage or introduce a hoe to want to change. But let me reiterate, you can't turn a hoe into a housewife, because people can't change people only experiences can.

In closing, don't be a hoe. Respect your temple, and don't say "I don't like the double standards" because that's usually the first thing hoes say.

How can you spot a hoe? Be honest, have you ever temporarily been a hoe? Can a man be a hoe? Do you believe most great moms were hoes at one point in their lives? Are double standards really that bad? Have you turned a hoe into a housewife? Would you ever date a former hoe?

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Anonymous Amy M said...

Q: How can you spot a hoe?
A: I don't personally think that you can spot a hoe unless you have already had contact with them. Not necessarily physical contact but with verbal contact. Some of them you can spot on sight and others you can spot from conversations.

Q: Be honest, have you ever temporarily been a hoe?
A: Not that I know of. I think some people may have hoe tendencies but not necessarily be a hoe. Does that make sense? If not i'll explain. Basically women can do the same thing a hoe does in bed expect she doesn't sleep around she does all these things to ONE man. She let's her anger or frustration out through sex just like any hoe would. But a hoe she sleeps with everyone without giving a fuck whose man/woman he/she is sleeping with.

Q: Can a man be a hoe?
A: HELL YESS! Men are more likely to be hoe's because its more accepted them if a women was to be one. People praise men for sleeping with different women in and out of a relationships. They have no remorse for ones feelings because in his eyes he got what he wanted and no one got hurt. :-/

Q:Do you believe great moms were hoes at one point?
A:No. At least I don't, Hoes have either been molested had a tragic accident or just didn't grow up with their father (Not all of them). Great mothers I feel like give their child what WASN'T given to them. Now while it may seem like the same things that hoes didn't have there are some differences.(Example I have a child and I didn't have a great relationship with my mom so I want to give the same to my daughter plus

Q:Are double standards really that bad?
A: HELL YES! It's like its okay for guys to come out and say all the women that they've slept with but when we WOMAN say it we are hoes? Or nasty or TRIFLIN? Or WAIT! It's okay for y'all to sleep with on of our old friends or bestfriend, but if we do it we are dirty and all men from that day on feel like they can get what ever they want out of us? SMH get it together~

Q: Have you turned a hoe into a housewive?
A: Hell no because I'm not a lesbian i like 8====0 :-)

Q:Would you ever date a former hoe?
A: I guess I can say that. My boyfriend I have now was very much so into sleeping with different woman. Now we've been together for 2 years and I feel like he is honest enough to tell me what's going on if he back to doing what he was before!
Thats it my opinion on this subject and it was a great blog!!! Keep it up and follow me on twitter @LoveMeBrightRed

June 9, 2011 at 10:51 PM  
Anonymous Amy M said...

There are a couple mistakes, more than a couple the mother part should have said (I want to give my daughter what my mother didn't give me. Me and my mother don't have a good relationship and I want to give my daughter the best daughter mother relationship there is.) The other ones were small please forgive me thanks :-)

June 9, 2011 at 10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is very hard to turn a HOE into a housewife nowadays, since there are just too many LOW LIFE GARBAGE WOMEN out there today.

December 13, 2012 at 4:38 PM  

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