Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Call Me? For What

Phones are made for talking and expressing thoughts that you cannot say in person. Hopefully, these thoughts are of some importance because phone bills ain't cheap. Women somehow believe that if a man calls to talk to them on the phone then he really cares, but I sit there like yeah he's a good one. There are a few reasons why men avoid taking on the phone with women, which leave men saying, "Call Me? For What?"(insert angry female response here)

1. Texting Me About Bullsh!t, that You Can Hit a Female Friend Up With

I wouldn't call you to ask about the score to the Lakers v. Bulls Game, so why would you dare call me thinking I want to hear about "the Bad Girls Club"...I could careless what those hoes do on TV. Don't call me to entertain me with things you know d@mn well I'm not interested in.

2. Holding Another Conversation in Person While Your on the Phone with Me

You wanted to call and hear my voice(how sweet), but yet you keep starting conversations with other people while you're on the phone with me. You have so many simultaneous convos going on, I can't even tell if you're talking to me or not. You ask me a question and I answer, but you didn't hear it because you're distracted by the people in your background. No no, you can hit me up later when you're not busy.

3. Trying to Hold a Conversation When You Can Tell I'm Busy

You hear hella people, cups being poured, and loud music in the background, yet this is the time you decide to have a conversation. I'm clearly busy, but you don't wanna hang up. Then when I try to get off the phone you want to make me feel guilty for being unavailable at the current time, GTFOH.

4. Wanna Hear My Background

So you think you're slick? You think I'm not up on game and not aware that you're just calling, because you're trying to hear my background, things such as b!tches, hoes, and more of those things. You're not my P.O.(parole officer) and relationships don't work like this. If you wanna keep tabs on someone-give birth to them, name them, and hopefully raise them with a man that isn'y bothered by your incessant phone calls.

5. In Mid Text, You Call

"I don't feel like texting is your excuse" but "I don't feel like talking is mine". Please don't call, texting allows me the proper time to write a text that will piss you off and transform it to a text that will keep us on good terms.

Sometimes phone calls are absolutely necessary, but please understand that men only want to be called when they are of absolutely and unequivocally necessary.

Are you guilty of doing any of these things? Does you man like to talk on the phone? Which would you rather do, talk or text? Does your man get an attitude when you call him? Is it the opposite on your end, does your man blow your phone up? 

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Anonymous Amy M said...

Q: Are you guilty of doing any of these things?
A: I don't know if this is one but I used to constantly blow up my man phone, when I knew he intentionally ignored my call.

Q: Does you man like to talk on the phone? Which would you rather do, talk or text?
A: He like's to text, he isn't a phone person, but once we start with a good convo then he is good.. I like to do BOTH but talk on the phone more... Texting gets annoying after while.

Q: Does your man get an attitude when you call him?
A: Nope, and if he did he would have some nice new words to sleep on that night... ;-)

Q: Is it the opposite on your end, does your man blow your phone up?
A: Nope, not unless he did something that he is guilty of.

October 5, 2011 at 11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst is when they are holding conversations in person while they are talking to you.

Also, I think you forgot about when they start textin while they're on the phone with you. You can hear the click and everything.

And you know it's some women out there who will even have you on the phone while their eating or out with their gyrls. Like seriously! Why are you callin me when you're obviously occupied. You know?

October 9, 2011 at 1:53 PM  

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