Friday, February 22, 2013

7 Shows That Are Better Than Scandal

On twitter I wrote "Walking Dead > Scandal", to which someone(black chick) responded "#liestoldonTwitter". Don't get me wrong Scandal is a good show, but the writing of Scandal is not f^cking with Walking Dead, as a matter of fact Scandal's writing and developing plots are not f^cking with a lot of shows on television right now. Scandal is a good show but I'm not sold yet, here are "7 Other Shows That Sh!t on Scandal":

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Fellatio Diaries: Women Like to Give Oral Entry XII

Dear theSUNK,

I can't explain the joy I feel when a penis touches the back of my throat.

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Monday, February 11, 2013

The Less You Trust, the Less You're Trusted

Isn't trust such a fickle thing? One irrevocable act can destroy all the trust you built with someone in one swell swoop. Not even love can die so quickly, love has to be beaten over and over agian. Love has to be hung, shot, and burned to ash. Even in that state, the smallest breathe of air can ignite the ember that once was or that still is. And yet again love can breathe, grow and engulf the heart of the one that loves. Love is a virus, trust is an infection.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

There's a Seat Here!: Why Black Men Don't Go to Church?

Men in the black community that are grown enough to forego or have some sort of autonomy over their Sunday, usually don't go to church. Women are stuck between urging their partner to go to service with them or giving up on the request altogether. Even though it's not a complete deal breaker, women want to know "Why doesn't my man/boyfriend want to go to church with me?" It wouldn't even be an overstatement to say it hurts a woman when a man dismisses accompanying her to the Lord's house. Honestly, theSUNK doesn't know all the answers, but here are a few assumptions on why black men don't go to church:

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