Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I Want Your B!tch/Man

For some reason American society promotes taking another person's something, rather than working hard for  yours. Men want to take other guy's girls and women want to steal other chick's men. Apparently, there aren't enough men and women to go around. I don't want to search and look, I Want Your B!tch. Sorry You Can't Have Her.

The current dating trends inspired this post. I remember my dumb a$$ saying, "I can't date a b!tch unless she has a man. It's better when I'm the man on the side" It was quite a stupid and pathetic sentiment as I look back on it today. Why should I impose myself on some one else's love? I played around with so many females offering them nothing but hard d!ck and bullsh!t when there was another guy willing to be committed. Even if the guy wasn't trying to be committed at least he was actively pursuing with the intent. I don't believe I have the right to bullsh!t a woman that may be worth someone's love. So, I'm over that phase. I'm problack relationships. I want every one's relationship to prosper, if it is healthy to begin with; which brings me to my next point.

I Want Your B!tch, I use to think guys were cuffing but people actively go out only trying to tempt committed people. Im gone take your b!tch, f^ck all these single ones, I specifically want your b!tch. N!gga are you kidding? Move around.

One time I was driving with an attractive female brown skin with an edgy hairstyle, the type of b!tch that n!ggaz go for. This guy actively holla'd at her while I'm driving. Basically, he's saying f^ck you and I can take your b!tch. However he was sadly mistaken, because it's f^ck him and you couldn't have my b!tch even if I gave her to you.

First, of all what woman would get out of a car to talk to a n!gga on the corner, step your game up. Second, why are you even talking to a woman that is with another man, you want to get shot, stabbed, or mollywhooped(not because the guy is cuffing simply because it has crossed a certain line of disrespect). Thirdly, a real woman is not going to accept such rudeness even if she is attracted to you, because she has cooth. Finally, this is concerning me personally, any woman that I have can/might f^ck other men but she ain't building you no fort there and I have no problem with it. Im single, she single but she's taken. Give a woman freedom and she will never want to leave. I've always gotten the last laugh. Have you ever heard the side n!gga crying because she just can't leave that main n!gga alone. I have, because I was there next to her when she told you daddy was home and to kick rocks.

This was just a short rant, I really just wanted to introduce the topic or discussion of people wanting to take or steal other's people's significant other, because it's petty. Yeah, I get it you want what you cant have or what you think you can get...childish.

Do you agree or disagree? What are some of your grievances? Why do people want to take whats yours? How do you handle being approached while you are with your significant other? Is some bullsh!t relationship worth ruining somebody's love, or does that not have anything to do with you? Say something or anything. What parts did I forget?

*Editor's Note: The use of word b!tch was used sparingly to evoke a more animated response from our readers, to highlight the depravity of not only the dating trend, but the intent of the pursuers(the I Want our Bitch/Man guys)

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Anonymous Amy M said...

Q: Do you agree or disagree?
A: Agree

Q: What are some of your grievances?
A: I don't have any.. Well hmmmm I guess flirting while in a relationship

Q:Why do people want to take whats yours?
A: I guess because either they're miserable and want to bring you down, or simply just probably don't have a care in the world of other peoples feelings! *It takes 2 to TANGO!

Q: How do you handle being approached while you are with your significant other?
A: I simply just look at my partner and see his reaction or usually cuss the person tryna "holla" out

Q:Is some bullsh!t relationship worth ruining somebody's love, or does that not have anything to do with you?
A: Nope it isn't worth ruining. I feel like if you're in a relationship looking for something outside of your relationship than you need to figure whats missing in your relationship, and stop trying to ruin others.

Q: say something or anything. What parts did I forget?
A: NONE! You did great you exploited the idea very well!

July 26, 2011 at 2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q: Do you agree or disagree?

A: I think it's childish but we America like to take things and like to go after something/someone that's not easy.

Q: What are some of your grievances?

A: Having to many of the other sex as a friend... "bull shyt" You fucking one of them.

Q:Why do people want to take whats yours?

A: They might think they're to good for me or just because they "think" they can do them better... It don't get no better then this.....

Q:Is some bullsh!t relationship worth ruining somebody's love, or does that not have anything to do with you?

A: Has nothing to do with me. If the relationship is on bad terms and it's about to come to an end, then fuck that bitch/nigga step in ad do you

Q: How do you handle being approached while you are with your significant other?

A:While I also make it known that I'm out with that person by maybe holding their hand or just being close....Just showing signs affections so they will no better to even think about speaking to me.

Q: say something or anything. What parts did I forget?

A: What about the people who are in a relationship but feel like they needed be approached?

July 26, 2011 at 11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


July 26, 2011 at 11:09 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

@anonymous "I think it's childish but we America like to take things and like to go after something/someone that's not easy."

Does this imply that single women or men are easy?

I disagree because when I was a #takenb!tchsnatcher. Chicks in relationships were way easier; when your the side piece you don't have to compete and your consider an asset.

July 26, 2011 at 11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First I want to address this: "One time I was driving with an attractive female brown skin with an edgy hairstyle, the type of b!tch that n!ggaz go for."

Show me the carfax.

I am lucky enough to have a man who appreciates my brown skin and natural buzz cut/box cut/afro (depending on the day, month, and year) BUT I know most niggas ain't checking for my type -even though they stare, hell even gawk and appear to be salivating at times, I KNOW they would never come correct if I was eligible....

Do you agree or disagree?


What are some of your grievances?

I have done double, even triple takes when I am with my guy, and got caught (by my man and the man I'm eyeing) Ooooppppsss... It seems like the BEST Looking gentlemen show up everywhere when you are in a relationship.

Why do people want to take whats yours?

Some people just feel the need to have what others have, just to be able say they have had it. Also, some people want to prove to themselves, and sometimes others that they have that much power to breakup a relationship (because they are so fine, good in the sack etc.) It's all about power, and just trying to see how good THEY are. It often times has nada to do with the person they are trying to take.

How do you handle being approached while you are with your significant other?

I usually allow him to handle it. If we are separated but in the same vicinity, I kindly let the gentleman know that I am here w/someone and keep it moving.

Is some bullsh!t relationship worth ruining somebody's love, or does that not have anything to do with you?

No. Good dick ain't either.

"Whats ya man got to do with me (I got a man) I'm not trying to hear that see"
People need to take responsibility for the shit they do, and quit acting like life is a line from a Positive K , or MC Luscious song. Bitches are dying by the hands of ex and current wives b/c they don't know how to leave what's not theirs alone. So It may begin with boom I got your boyfriend, but the end sounds more like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7yQwQtSN7M
Get it together.

Say something or anything. What parts did I forget?

As Amy S said in the above comment, it takes two to tango... If you are in a committed relationship stay in your lane, and don't fall for that "We can just be friends" bullshit. It is a recipe for disaster.

July 26, 2011 at 11:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No most of them are vulnerable and are in need of some attention.

July 26, 2011 at 11:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a side nigga that I cared about more

July 26, 2011 at 11:48 PM  
Blogger LadyNgo said...

I think we are giving people way too much credit here. There are plenty of folks out there that just want what they want and don't care if it belongs to someone else or not. And for some, the fact that they have the "challenge" of stealing the person from their boo is just an added bonus

July 27, 2011 at 1:16 AM  

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