Saturday, July 23, 2011

Women's Friendship Ain't Worth Sh!t

A platonic friendship between a guy and a girl, please- that is complete and utter bullsh!t. A platonic friendship between a guy and girl is just two people that haven't f^cked yet(think I got that quote from or can't remember), such a relationship is fool's gold not golden. Here are some reasons Why and Why Not a Woman's Friendship Ain't Worth Sh!t:

Two Reasons Why...
In Aid of..
  So he's come to the realization that he's not gone tap your water. He'll still be your friend though, because you have bad a$$ friends- your an asset. You know all the b!tches, why not be your bro. Your his wing woman, you never thought about how he's damn nar f^cked your whole crew. He is plucking em off like flower pedals, you are in aid of his pursuit of pu$$y.

  Women usually possess more information than men and we need that. This information can range from jobs, internships, scholarships, free sh!t, gossip, and even the hottest parties. Men will exchange listening to women's bullsh!t for the inside scoop to some real sh!t that could be the final piece in making us more successful.
Two Reasons Why Not...

Problem Solving
  Men don't come to women for advice when they are looking for a solution to a problem. Because women  often empathize rather than problem-solve. Men give solutions, women give consolation. Women are less objective than men. Men ask what happened, than ask you what part was your fault. Women ask what happened, then ask you whose fault was it. Everyone needs objective criticism and women aren't as good at offering such criticism in a interpersonal (professionally yes, like psychologist, social worker, etc.) manner as men are.

In Pursuit of...
  No mater how much you think a guy is your friend, men are always in the pursuit of pu$$y; the only reason a man wouldn't be is if he's not attracted to you. You say "he's not like that, we're just friends". Child Please. Men are like secret agents we will live in a country(friendship) for years waiting on some pu$$y. We're just waiting on the right opportunity; drunk night, boyfriend f^cking up, anything. No matter if we are strolling or sprinting men are always in the pursuit of pu$$y.

Do you have a completely platonic male/female friendship? Do you value his friendship more than the one with your homegirls? How friends with benefits do you have compared to platonic friendships? Have you ever had to stop the advances of a guy who claimed only to be your friend? Did you take this blog too literal and get offended? How does female advice differ from male advice? What should I write about next?

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Anonymous Amy M said...

Q: Do you have a completely platonic male/female friendship?
A: Sure do.

Q: Do you value his friendship more than the one with your homegirls?
A: Sure don't when me and him do talk its for a brief moment.. If I am on the phone with my homegirl and he calls I might say i'll call you back or I just might ignore him. Its all about how i'm feeling that day

Q: How friends with benefits do you have compared to platonic friendships?
A: I don't do friends with benefits.. PERIOD people say that they won't catch feelings but always will... Uhhh this question kind of confused me ;/

Q: Have you ever had to stop the advances of a guy who claimed only to be your friend?
A: Sure did. Men think that when we say friends we mean friends with benefits but in my case I never do!! I have a guy friend i've known for 4 years and never touched just was always curious about. Nothing ever happened and we kept it on a friendly level... Some guys just don't get the word FRIENDS and were let go.. smh

Q: Did you take this blog too literal and get offended?
A: Hmmm yes at the part where you said that it is always about pussy. I guess because that is true that's all men want. Its impossible to say when you saw me you fell in love with my personality, you fell in love with the assets and looks not because of my personality.. It hit me b.c of a certain situation I am in but it'll be alright lol

Q: How does female advice differ from male advice?
A: When I give advice it is always from a personal experience. I cannot speak on what I don't know because than I'll be misleading you.. Especially if my advice impacts your life in whatever way.. When I give advice I give it good and hard.. Fuck who gets mad I'm me and I speak on how I feel.. Now when men do it it's usually to get something out of the person and try to give them whatever they want to hear.. Don't feed me that bullshit.

Q: What should I write about next?
A: Friends with benefits if you haven't already

July 23, 2011 at 3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a completely platonic male/female friendship?

Nope. I thought I did until we had sex...and it went exactly how you described it, drunken night, no bf/bad bf (I can't remember) &, bam! The sex was horrible! I went off to school and changed my number. He supposedly was looking for me, and I do remember deleting his emails (I was mad for allowing it to happen). I got back from school, we somehow "linked" up again & againg & again(he must have been practicing b/c the sex was Fantastic!), and then I found out he was in a serious relationship via myspace lol (those were the days)... He denied, then finally admitted. I read him for filth and we didn't speak for about 6 months. He called out of the blue asking to see me so we could talk. I read him for filth again, then he texted a month later telling me he had gotten married, then thinking about a divorce, now a daddy... He is still contacting me via text, and wanting to be a friend?? I have not had any sexual contact with him since finding out he was in a relationship years ago. I'm not sure why he continues to contact me (even after I have been intentionally rude to him time and time again) He even asks for my advice, and sends me photos of the baby and wants me to meet him?? So weird!

Do you value his friendship more than the one with your homegirls?


How friends with benefits do you have compared to platonic friendships?

I think you meant how many? None.

Have you ever had to stop the advances of a guy who claimed only to be your friend?

Yes, and please see A 1.

Did you take this blog too literal and get offended?


How does female advice differ from male advice?

It depends on which sex is giving the advice to which sex, and who the person is in relation to the person giving the advice

Man gives advice to man= Genuine
Man gives advice to woman= Bullshit (romantic interest)
Genuine (sister, mom, cousin, daughter etc.)

What should I write about next?

I would like your version to Act like a Lady Think Like a Man. That Steve Harvey bullshit is so fucking lame smh... Also a weekly advice column would be cool, if you don't already have one. I really dig your blog though, keep up the good work (I'm going to steal that photo btw =))

July 24, 2011 at 3:13 AM  
Anonymous theSUNK/TheHallway said...

Thanks for the comments and long responses. Bcuz that's why I write the f^cking questions at the end anyway.

@anonymous why do you even still let him contact you, if youre completely over him though?

July 24, 2011 at 4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it wrong for the female to wait to be the guy friend because she knowns that one day it might end up to them fucking without her asking?

July 24, 2011 at 7:12 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

I really need you to restate this question, you kinda lost me.

July 25, 2011 at 5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I Said WAIT...What I was trying to say was WANT...
Is it wrong for the female to want to be the guy friend because she knowns that one day they might end up fucking without her having to ask?

July 25, 2011 at 11:26 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

If it that serious for yall to end up f^cking. I dont understand why you just dont tell him up front that you want to f^ck. Why be friends or pretend?

July 26, 2011 at 4:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANON 7/24-He contacts me on his own free will... Sometimes I respond his texts, sometimes I don't.

July 26, 2011 at 10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't want to seem like a hoe!

July 26, 2011 at 11:21 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

@ANON 7/24,

you could just block him tho if you dont intend on getting it popping anymore.

July 26, 2011 at 11:24 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

@ANON "the pretend friend",

Well pay your game, you shouldnt let other people's perceptions control your actions though.

July 26, 2011 at 11:27 PM  
Blogger Cocotwin said...


November 29, 2011 at 5:11 PM  
Blogger cocob27 said...

Dont really agree with this post...some men just like the company of a intentions of sex and are okay with that cuz they jus want company of the opposite sex!!

December 1, 2011 at 12:50 AM  
Blogger Hereicome said...

Cocobrown as a guy I'm telling you right now the only reason why we stay friends if we didnt fuck is cause u have friends that you can put us on too.. If not Ur friends are wack blazay blah u get fat whatever the case may be we're not gonna stay friends UNLESS we feel we're gonna fuck one day.

October 13, 2012 at 9:42 PM  

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