Friday, February 10, 2012

Guest Post: Polygamy- PROLLY GIMME A Sister Wife

Not too long ago I asked my husband to take a second wife. This isn’t the first time I’ve asked and probably won’t be my last, but every time I ask I get the same look, frown and answer…"NO". But this time I decided to ask him why and his first and only response was “I’m Christian, it’s wrong and it’s a sin”. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that this chick is crazy. Well, no I’m not…at least I don’t think I am, but I have my reasons for asking.

First of all, I’m pushing 36, he wants children and I really don’t want to have any at this age. I need help around the house; I travel quite a lot between South Africa and the U.S. and have been known to stay away for months even a year or two. Also, it wouldn’t hurt if he had someone to give him what he needs when I’m away, and even when I’m there and don’t feel like it. I’m not only talking about sex… but companionship, home cooked meals, etc. Well, I explained my reasons to him and tried my best to plead my case but he’s still on this thing about it’s wrong because of Christianity.

Most people don’t realize that monogamy is new and is a Christian concept. I honestly don’t understand where Christians got the concept of monogamy from because even in their Bible, in the Old Testament, polygamy was accepted and wasn’t condemned by anyone including GOD. Christ was born into a polygamous society and even died in one as well. The only condemnation of polygamy that I’ve come across is in the New Testament where Paul forbids anyone who wants to be an apostle to take a second wife. Well, if polygamy wasn’t being practiced during Paul’s time then he would have had no need to make that statement, and honestly I don’t think there are too many people standing in line to become apostles. Well, I know my husband isn’t so I don’t see why he won’t agree.

I know most women probably wouldn’t dream of sharing their husband with another woman…most western women that is. But in some cases what they don’t know, do know, or don’t want to realize is that they’re sharing their man with another woman or plenty of women anyway. Wouldn’t it be better just to allow him to do what he was naturally made to do? Be fruitful and multiply? Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? The bigger the clan the better ya’know. I know what you’re thinking or still thinking…this woman must be on crack but I assure you, I’m not. I’m just one of many that believe man wasn’t created to be monogamous. 

I am also a believer that the positives of a polygamous relationship far outweigh the perceived negatives such as jealousy, envy, or the feeling of not getting enough attention. To be honest, those feelings are part of every relationship, friendship, and marriage. So let us not look at polygamy as a dirty word or a nasty thing, let’s embrace it, accept it because it’s the natural way, the way our creator intended it to be.

Would you ever consider being in a polyamorous relationship? Do you truly think men or women are meant to be monogamous? Would you consider having an open marriage? Ok... so maybe you don't agree but do you think her sentiments are wrong? If he could honestly take care of you and another woman financially, physically, emotionally, and sexually what's the big deal? How did you like her guest post?

-By Jenny O

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Blogger LadyNgo said...

I won't even bother with the other stuff but i guess my only question would be, if you want him to take on a wife who'll do all the wifely duties that you don't wanna do, why would he even waste time keeping you when he's basically getting everything he wants and needs from her?

February 10, 2012 at 12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would never consider a polygamist relationship, shoot i won't even entertain the idea of a threesome because I don't believe in sharing. I
Don't think her sentiments are wrong at all and I commend her for realizing that she isn't or cannot give her husband all that he needs. I applaud her for that. I've watched the show "SisterWives" and could never understand why one man would need some many wives. But after reading this guest post I can see why this type of lifestyle can be accepted.

February 10, 2012 at 12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@LadyNgo: The second wife can't give him everything he needs nor can the first. They will both bring something different to the marriage. What most people fail to understand is, there's no way one woman can give an man everything he needs in a relationship. This is the main reason why infidelity exist and why polygamy should be looked at as an option. The divorce rate is much lower in polygamous marriages than monogamous ones and the rate of infidelity is lower as well. Polygamy has been around much longer than monogamy...and what most women don't realize, married or not, they are in polygamous relationships anyway. Trust me...he's seeing someone else.

February 10, 2012 at 4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swingers for the win

July 31, 2012 at 2:48 AM  

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