Monday, June 4, 2012

Older Women Taught Me

There is no magnificent or capturing lede to this post, only the things Older Women Taught Me:

Women Take Notice
No matter if you realize or not, women notice how you treat women. Sh!t, they notice how you treat all people and women want a respectful man. No woman is going to get down with you for the long haul, if she knows that you ain't sh!t.

If You Don't Make Money; Ain't No Need for You to Worry About Women
My great grandmother always said, "if don't go to school and become successful(whatever that may mean to you), you won't have to worry about women." Simply put, women dont want a broke a$$ n!gga. Women want you to make them feel secure physically and financially. If she can't feel that around you, she won't be around you very long.

Slow Down Your Stroke
I once met a cougar, as a matter of fact I wrote about her click here. So anyway, we met at a thrift store, flirted, and later that night we were exchanging sexual favors. After this exchange she said, "you have a b!g d!ck and you know how to f^ck, but if you slowed down your stroke you'd have these little girls going crazy." So I took heed and if I thought they were going crazy before, the puddles left in my bed were a clear indications that they were now having out-of-body experiences. *tips my hat off to the cougars*

Only Boring People Get Bored
My aunt told me, "only bored people get bored." She used to say this when I was little, it never made much sense then. However, as an adult you have the power, imagination, and freedom to make your life as fun or boring as you want. You can't blame your friends or your boo of boredom, sometimes you have to venture out like you did at birth and explore the world.

Everyone Has Their Crazies
My moms used to say "everyone has their crazies." As to say that in life no matter what the circumstance(how good you believe a person's life is), everyone has their own adversities or struggles that arise. No one is immune to difficulties that we all face, that make us the people that we are and are becoming. There will always be something about you that someone deem awkward, that you believe is perfectly fine. That's because the landscape(life) looks totally different for each pair of eyes that see it.

It's Not What People Think of You, But What You Think of Them
Another quotable for moms dukes. Not everyone is going to like you, but when you meet and get to know people you have to assess their value in your life. Not everyone is worth your time or concern. Who cares if someone doesn't like you, in life you can't please them all? But when you know what you think of them, you can utilize or gain from those who you deem of value or worth in your life.

What was something a person has said to you that has stuck with you throughout life? Have you heard any of my favorite advice from women?

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