Friday, July 20, 2012

Operation Rebound: Get Your BFF Over Her Ex

This is for the woman that is tired of seeing her pretty BFF mess with the wrong guy. It's for the friend that genuinely cares and wants her to move on with her love life. You hate seeing her loathe around the house over a no-nothing a$$ type of dude. Well, here's what you need to do to get her out of the sticks and on to some new stick. Initializing Operation Rebound:

Don't Tell Her
The first mistake a good friend makes is trying to force her friend out on the scene; sometimes you have to resist this urge and just take her out. Don't tell her that you want her to move on, just put her in the right places to find the new Mr. Right or a few Mr. Right-Nows. When you force the operation on your BFF she gets apprehensive and may not be willing to get back in the mix.

Stand Behind Her Decision
Be her support, don't let her doubt or second guess her decision. Reassure and affirm that the decision she made to move on is for the best.

Don't Bad Mouth the Ex
You have to show her your on her team. If you make it known that you never liked her ex in the first place, then she may feel as though you wished her relationship failed from the jump. That's one of the quickest ways to have yo girl running back to the ex from hell. It's the us against the world effect, it can propel a fling into Bonnie & Clyde proportions turning your BFF from causal dater to the ride-or-die b!tch from hell.

Be There. Don't Let Her Be Alone
They say, "Idleness is the devil's workshop". Too many times good women have gotten back with worthless men because they were bored or felt alone. However, you're not going let your girl fall in that trap. You're gonna be there. You're gonna take that phone out of her hand and take her mind off the bullsh!t.

Do New Shit and Create New Memories
Plan girl dates where the two of you try something new. Get her mind off the old by putting it onto new things. New places mean new people which translates to new opportunities to meet new men. Be her personal day planner there isn't any reason for her not to have something to do for the night or the weekend.

Set Her Up on a Blind Date
Find some nice looking coworker or random passer-byer and interview him for your BFF. Once you find out all you need to know set up a blind date for your girl. But I would warn you, if you're not a 150% sure that he's a good match for your girl do not do it. That's why I said do your homework. It's nothing like setting your girl up on a date with a lame and driving her back into the arms of "Mr. Hey. I Know We Don't Talk, But How Are You?"

Improve Her
Buy her a new book that you all can discuss together. Take her to the gym and work out together.  Inspire and motivate her to improve as woman. So that she can be mentally, spiritually, physically prepared for a new man. Make her prepared for the next chapter in her love life. By doing this she won't be discourage, won't revert back to old behavior and fall into the same old traps(his bed).

Is it hard to rebound from a man that you thought or still think is for you? How do you even know that it's time to move on? Have you ever had to help your BFF get over a guy? Has your plans to help a BFF get over a guy ever blew up in your face? What do you do to help her get over him?
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Anonymous Vonnie said...

I myself am guilty of going back. It's EXTREMELY hard bc I really felt he was my soul mate. To this day, I have a hard time leaving him completely alone. I haven't seen him since New Years, but I find myself still feeling the urge to see him. Its a daily struggle. But, its also the first time I been IN love. And, I stayed with him after I knew I needed to leave for fear of being alone. He was my best friend.

July 20, 2012 at 1:06 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

@Vonnie Well your 7 months removed, somewhere I read that it actually takes 3 years to truly get over an ex that you were in love with. But if you keep with the program someone else will come along and take your mind off him. Just remember how you don't want to feel and you should be fine.

July 20, 2012 at 2:24 PM  

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