Friday, June 15, 2012

I Have Needs? No. We Both Have Needs

The sexism card doesn't always work against women; sometimes it works in their favor. So many men in long distance relationships hear the same line from their women time and again: "I know you have needs, so do you, as long as...". As for the notion that women don't have the same needs as men, that sh!t is a copout. Women use this excuse so men don't bring up the same issues of fidelity. Talking bout "You Have Needs". No, We Both Have Needs. 

Obviously, men are having sex with women who want and need to have sex. These women are like you; that is, they have the same desires that you accuse men of being consumed by. Men can't have sex without a willing partner; if they do, it's called rape. Both parties have to consent to the deed.

Hold men accountable for their actions. If he had sex, he wanted to. Men aren't animals. They have the power of intellect and the notion of good and bad. If a man makes a bad choice, it's because he made a conscious decision to do so, not because he had this insatiable desire that he just couldn't control. This goes for women as well. In this day and age, we have lost discipline, diligence, and frugality with our sexual organs. Those who respect and love their partner, however, will exhibit control even when desire and opportunity present themselves like a cold brew in front of a drunk laden with thirst.

Women who say, "you have needs" fall into two categories: either they are trying to passive- aggressively control your d!ck, or they realize that they share the same needs as a man and want a reason to forgo faithfulness.

Have you ever said the "I know you have needs" line? Have you ever tried to validate your actions through subconsciously giving a man an excuse to "cheat"? Should men not be held to the same standards as women sexually? 
I Write for You Guys, Like theSUNK on FACEBOOK for me

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