Monday, February 20, 2012

GUEST POST: Women Need to SEE a Woman to Wanna BE Yo Woman

"The Man with the most women isn't the best looking man, the smartest man, the best dressed man or the richest man. The man with the most women is the man that makes the most women think that other women want him"

Women are for lots of things, but to be understood is not one of them. The first step to solving any problem or addressing any issue or entity is to find the common denominator. The only commonality that can be found amongst all women is their competitive and jealous nature. I shouldn't generalize all women, but I don't have unlimited time or cognitive energy, so i must. But with this being said, it is evident that any maneuver on Males' part that is grounded in and capitalizes off of women's jealous, vindictive, and competitive nature will prevail. We "win" solely off of their insatiable desire to outdo one another.

Women, for self satisfaction or as a token of acknowledgment, are crying out to have a genuine friendship with an affluent and credible male who associates with them for the sole purpose of the friendship and not out of a sexual agenda. Women have been socialized to look to us males as leaders and often consciously or subconsciously hold our opinion at a higher regard than they hold their own or other women's. Consequently, women hold a genuine friendship of "X" stature with a male at a higher regard than they hold their friendships of "X" stature with other women. This is why Women, so desperate for male friendship and dying to be claimed on one level or another by a reputable and legitimate male, are so quick to befriend gay men because they offer the "Male Friendship" and "Male Opinion" without the threat of the "Male Agenda"(sex).

"the more self-evident it becomes that females are bred to Jockey for male's attention, the more having more than one at a time is justified in my mind"

The benefits of the Friend Zone are endless, and are especially infinite in a "stage setting" like college. College is abundant with people who would rather lazily come to an assumption than take the time to think and look deeper into things. These peoples' most pertinent utility is as a tool/ mouthpiece for your own personal and leisure agenda. With majority of women operating under the assumption that most men have the intelligence of the most remedial neanderthal, they assume that any attractive women that we associate with we have vested interest in and are ultimately pursuing for sex. Because at the end of the day "all we think about is sex" correct? This plays to our advantage because we can effortlessly create an illusion. The Friend Zone makes it so that the low maintenance and effortless friendship with your lady friend transforms under the public eye and public arena into a grandiose illusion and bait for anyone willing to make an assumption. The Friend Zone facade is bait for any woman willing; so size her up and question whether she can take you or more importantly your attention from the other woman. Ultimately, you win because your attention is now sought after. Your attention is sought after for all the wrong reasons, but it is for little to no effort on your part and it's derived from the most obsolete and insignificant "staged"(friendship) social interaction.

Friend Zone is disarming and levels the playing field. Friend Zone disarms by eliminating the idea that ulterior motives are present. Friend Zone eliminates the expenses, formality and awkwardness of dating and the few months cushion that consists of putting on a facade to impress one another. More importantly Friend Zone puts you in the position to create an emotional dependency. Women, being the overflowing fountain of emotions that they are, are almost always ready and willing to confide in their friend. Luckily conversation to most women consists of them talking and Men NOT interrupting while we sit there, saying yes affirmations like "mmm-hmm", "ok", "right right" whether we are listening or not. This plays to our advantage because we allow women to become emotionally invested in us and identify with us as someone who is familiar and trustworthy. Unfortunately for women, its been instilled in them that they're "Sluts or Hoes" if they have sex with people they aren't in committed relationships with. Often, real life circumstances won't allow for them to have sex with a person they're in a committed relationship with every time and in order to salvage their self esteem and perception of self they turn to someone "trustworthy and familiar" to act a as substitute to the ideal "boyfriend" situation. Friend Zone renders YOU the most eligible recipient.

Power breeds weakness. And men, lazy, comfortable and drunken in our waning power over women, forget to employ the same tactics that are being employed against us. In the same way that she will string us along for our insatiable desire for sex, string her along and bend her will for her insatiable desire for attention.

Have you ever noticed/wanted a man because of the attractive women he surrounded himself with? Are you that attractive friend the "bait" for your male's friend's skeezers? Which do you think is more beneficial for a man, platonic friendship or a constant pursuit of sex with the women in his life? Is your friend the most eligible recipient for your sexual needs? What do you think of this guest writer? 

Written by BK, @bkisfromtexas, is one half of The Opinionaires. The Opinionaires blog focuses on delivering intellectual conversation dipped in crass humor; their blog includes audio podcasts of people you may or may not know, vlogs(video blogs), and well-written blog posts. Keep an eye out for this duo. 

Get Your theSUNK boyshorts or t-shirts ($30) by clicking here. 

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

im gonna have to agree with this It's a shame really but true nonetheless

February 20, 2012 at 12:57 PM  
Blogger cocob27 said...


February 24, 2012 at 12:45 AM  

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