Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We Ruined Each Other, Poem

We s^cked and We f^cked so much the moans drowned out the talk.
All we did was joke around on those long walks.
We should've taken each other more serious.
Cute smirks, romantic glances turned to barren advances.
What felt like the beginning of forever, so quickly turned to nothing much at all.
I remember the first time I saw you.
Delicious to a set of eyes that weren't hungry.
A worthy investment for a heart that only lusted money.

Your lips tasted, like don't stop. 
While your ass felt like squeeze me tighter.
You would've thought I had a sign on my forehead that said, "leave me quicker."
Most problems are fixable with a little fun and a lot of liquor.

But... I can't get over how we ruined each other.
After wooing each other...
Felt like we knew each other, since the womb of our mothers, before we actually knew each other.

No hard feelings though...Only a lust set on fire and a love choked out by its dark clouds of smoke.
I wish moans of too quick, too fast... We're sweet cute laughs of hope.

Hope of the interlocking of fingers, tripping on the back of your heels for walking to close behind you.
Cause that booty be hypnotizing a...
Now even with your phone number, facebook, twitter, and address; we're disconnected.
Now even at dinner(twitter) with a plate cooked(facebook) for hunger(number) and eyes lit(address)- I couldn't find you.
The conversation was dry and lacked the rhythm that a budding couple possessed.

We Ruined Each Other, Nothing More and Nothing Less.

This is for the people who met a person with all the potential to be the greatest love of their life, but they did everything too fast.

Do you believe there is a such thing as moving to fast? Has this ever happened between you and a person you liked? What would you have changed? Would you talk to them again, if the opportunity presented itself? What did you think of the poem?

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Blogger DiamondLeeSparkel said...

I loved this poem. From the first line down it reminded me of a love scorn, something that should've and could've been something extremely beautiful but unfortunately ended just as quick as it started.

February 23, 2012 at 3:08 AM  
Anonymous Amy M said...

Q: Do you believe there is a such thing as moving to fast?
A: Yes

Q: Has this ever happened between you and a person you liked?
A: Yes

Q: What would you have changed?
A: I wouldn't have been so clingy

Q: Would you talk to them again, if the opportunity presented itself?
A: No, we have been through too much problems already and I know for sure it would just be a rerun of the past.

Q: What did you think of the poem?
A: It was very powerful, it brought me back to the place that I was with that dude.

HI!!!!!! LOL Long time no talk @TheHallWaY!

February 27, 2012 at 10:10 AM  

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