Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Girl Crew Break Down

No matter who these women are or where these group of women happen to be, most girl crews are composed of your basic members. Women are like squadrons sent out to flirt, attack the club, get wasted, and dance the night away. If you hang out with a group of women, regardless of your social class most likely you'll fall into one of these categories. Here is the Girl Crew Break Down:

Ms. Prude
She is the girl within the crew that might have a man at home or this might be her personality, but she isn't about being sexually adventurous or giving it up too easily. Sometimes she may even looked down on the other women within the crew when they say to her, "Giiiiirl, you don't wanna know what happened last night..." This statement is usually followed by what "Mike, Eric, etc." did in the bedroom. However, she never returns the favor with freaky tales of her own she only offers side-eyes  and gasps in reply.
Her favorite phrase: "All right giiirl!" *sarcastically with judgemental face*

Ms. Cock Blocker Extraordinaire(the Best Interest Whore)
Every crew has a cock blocker extraordinaire, the one woman that is deemed the mother of the group. She'll be the one patting your back when you get drunk, texting you "you make it in OK?" after your date, or the shoulder to cry on when you get hurt. Regardless of her care, you can see her at the club defending the crew from thirsty guys like she was an offensive linemen for the New England Patriots. She's blocked more cock than the little red gift that women get once a month. Usually she always keeping her eye on the next girl.
Her favorite phrase: "Naw, she's not interested." *while pushing away men*

Ms. Frisky or "Girl You is a Freak"
So Ms. Frisky is the girl that gets a little tipsy and starts grinding on every man she sees. She always is flirting and even disappears from time to time from the group in dark clubs or house parties with men. Sometimes you can seen her being yanked away from a group of salivating men by the Cock Block Extraordinaire. Ms. Frisky is never lonely and her phone usually lights up more than your average radio station. She loves men, she may not even have sex with all of them, but she's made out and has gotten steamy with most of them.
Her favorite phrase: "It's so many fine men in here tonight, I'mma have to get me one. Okaaaaay"

Ms. Overconfident
This woman in the group might be the least liked by men. She happens to be an average looker with moderate assets. But she's by no means a Beyonce... She's just average, but maybe it was the way she was raised. Showered by compliments from her family she now feels like she's the baddest to ever do it. You can't tell her any different though, you let her live in this fantasy world and watch her turn down these imaginary men that she thinks are all over her.
Her favorite phrase: "Why are all these men so thirsty?" or "These guys are all over me?! Damn, let a b!tch breatthe!" *you look left, then you look right- you see no men looking at her lol*

Ms. Pissy Drunk(Has to Be Babysat)
So even men have one of these in their entourage. There will always be the one person that couldn't hold their liquor, if their life depending on it. The funny part is that they know they can't hold their liquor, but every time you guys go out she gets drunk. Not loose or tipsy, pissy drunk. Where you have to carry her with her arm flung over your shoulder to bathroom, the car and finally back home. Somehow she never gets through a night with her heels on. Even after the you have to pat her back while she throws up and toss her in the shower at the end of every night. Often you all contemplate about not bringing her, but you still do.
Her favorite phrase: "I'm okay, I'm not drunk. Damn. Stop touching me." "Where's my phone?" It's in your hand. "Aw" 

Ms. Nasty Attitude
Oh, yes she might be worse than Ms. Overconfident, because Ms. Overconfident just might be delusional. However, Ms. Nasty Attitude pumps herself up by being negative, you can usually catch her sipping on her drink complaining about any and everything. She complains about the men that are there, the music they are playing, the watered down drink or the drink that's too strong, other women's outfit, why men approach her and even why they don't; she has a never-ending list of complaints. She finds it hard to have a good time, but never stays her ass at home.
Her favorite phrase: "Girl, what is she wearing?" or "Man this DJ is wack. Why don't they play (insert song here)." *song happens to come on* "I don't even feel like dancing anymore, they waited to long to play it."

What member are you in the crew? Are there any missing? Is this an exaggeration? Do you think male crews have most of the same type of people?

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Blogger Unknown said...

def agree

July 31, 2012 at 11:17 AM  
Blogger Candi said...

I'm glad I don't have a crew. I go out with 1 girl who has been my bestie for over 10 years. That is way too much estrogen to be dealing with. I have witnessed all of these women when making mistakes and accepting invites with people from work or my cousins girlfriends, smh... total disasters everytime LOL!!!

July 31, 2012 at 12:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

this is why I go dolo or with one maybe two ride or dies this group is just a misconstrued side eye from the maury show

August 4, 2012 at 8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Do the baby-setting and i'm the one that doesn't drink but I like my friends do whatever just as long as they're safe. So where will I fit/

August 6, 2012 at 6:16 PM  
Blogger TheMochaPeach said...

Hmm..I am none of those things. I am not a prude. But I am PAINFULLY shy (believe it or not) in public and around guys....

August 19, 2012 at 8:08 PM  
Anonymous samxxviii said...

OMG! I'm Ms. Nasty Attitude!! lol my friends must be so annoyed. if it counts for anything, I'm a working progress. lol

August 22, 2012 at 9:25 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

@samxxviii Tskk tskk ma'am, you need to get it together. No one likes to go out with Ms. Nasty Attitude, but I appreciate your honest and effort to change. Change is good.

August 23, 2012 at 10:29 AM  

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