Thursday, December 29, 2011

Distant Lover: Long Distance Relationships Made Easy

The problem with my generation is that they don't have any heart. We give up before things get too tough; we take the easy route than the road less traveled. If technology and social media has done anything it has definitely made long distance relationships easier. Long distance relationships are the taboo of the dating world, but if you really dig someone you should be able to make it work. Here's Distant Lover: Long Distance Relationships Made Easy:

Skype, Oovoo, Etc.
Plug that laptop in, download Skype or Oovoo, and see your boo. Sometimes a phone call or a text isn't enough and you need to see the beautiful face that you fell in love with. Rather your video chat session is PG or XXX rated enjoy it. Laugh, flirt, and even tease him with that body occasionally. Oh Really...

Flirt, Flirt, and Flirt Some More
When you text- flirt. When you call- flirt. When you IM- flirt. When you email- Flirt. When you skype- flirt. Flirting keeps relationships alive and keeps everybody happy. No matter how far you are from your boo, you have to make them feel wanted. Tell 'em the things you want to do to them when you all see each other. To flirt all you need is imagination and anticipation.

Stop Blowing Up Their Phone; Be Realistic
In a long distance relationship sometimes we have to be realistic, which implies that your S/O will not always be available at your disposal. Hopefully, the person you are interested in has goals, aspirations, maybe even a job. Take little breaks between constant communicating, make the heart grow fonder. If you are always initiating the convo, let them do it from time to time. Don't stop hitting them up to be spiteful, just be weary off burning out the lines of communication.

Visit as Much as You Can
If you have the extra cash, visit your homieloverfriend. It's nothing like getting an occasional visit from your distant lover. See them when you can, it will make all the difference to your boo, when they know that you were willing to make a sacrifice just to come and kick it. Also you might need a vacation from your life, and what's better than having your soulmate there to enjoy your break with you.

Make It a Fun Challenge
A long distance relationship is already a challenge, but make a bet to yourself to stay faithful and loyal to your partner. Hold out for the ultimate prize, which a real courtship and amazing back-in-town sex. Idk about you but when you go on a sexual drought and you finally get that first rainfall, it's spectacular. I feel like dancing in the rain right now.

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? Are you in one now? Could you be in one? Do you genuinely believe long distance relationships work? What would you need a person to do for you to commit to them in a long distance booship?

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Anonymous Amy M said...

Q: Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
A: Hmmmmm no.. I don't think I have

Q: Are you in one now?
A: Nope

Q: Could you be in one?
A: Yep if I really loved him and knew I wanted to be with him, I would.

Q: Do you genuinely believe long distance relationships work?
A: Yep, I have an aunt who's husband is in the Army so imagine that.... It's just a mutual agreement between the two people. If you really want to be with them, then I know for a fact that they will make it work.

Q: What would you need a person to do for you to commit to them in a long distance booship?
A: All I would need is evidence that this is real, that he will commit and be faithful while he is where ever he is.

January 1, 2012 at 12:40 PM  
Blogger cocob27 said...

I have never been in a long relationship, but I can imagine how much of a challenge it culd be. Im not sure if I can be in one, it depends on how far and for how long!!! I do believe they can work but, for how long is the question...assuming we will connect and just be with each other! Like normal I would need alot of reassuring, and some type of commitment, like engaged or marriage.
This is a good post for ppl who are struggling with their long distance relations!!

January 3, 2012 at 2:05 PM  
Blogger cocob27 said...

*long distance relationship

January 3, 2012 at 2:05 PM  
Blogger All The Single Ladies said...

Long distant relationships don't work! They never last for long and never work! Outta sight, outta mind!

Humans, by nature need touch. We need to feel that body. All skype will do is make you hunger for that touch. After a while, you gonna need to feed that hunger and if your long distant love can't do it for you, someone else will.

And long distance marriages (ugh!) Lemme just say that once you get a taste of freedom...niggah been gone for 2-3 years fighting in the dessert; you hangin out with your girls, doin whatever, whenever you want. Buyin shoes and clothes and shit and not sneaking it in the house...ain't nobody questioning what you spending the money on...taste that gonna have a helluva time not resenting that niggah for coming back to town.

January 3, 2012 at 7:53 PM  
Blogger theSUNK said...

@Amy M You seem like a woman that likes to be in a relationship.

@cocob27 I think HOPE is definitely a MUST for a long distance relationship

@All the Single Ladies Touch only gets you so far, after a while you just want the person that you want. The person that you love.

January 3, 2012 at 9:07 PM  
Anonymous DiamondzTreasure said...

I actually have been in a long distance relationship before that lasted about 2 years but I was soo naive back then.

I was about 17 years old when it started and at the time I thought it was heaven but now I know that they can only work if both parties are committed and willing to make it work, which is something that is hard for men to do, so idk if I would ever do it again.

I really don't think that I could meet someone on the net or anything like that but if I'm in love with someone and they need to move and I don't want to or can't then I would try the LDR thing. After all, absence does make the heart grow fonder but there has to be a lot of trust and open communication between both parties for it to really work and make it.

I had a bad experience but that's not to say that I would never do it again if I had to, but I would try not to.

January 7, 2012 at 3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? Yes, I have been in a long distance relationship that was about 3 years ago that lasted for only 3 months.

Are you in one now? No, I am not in one now

Could you be in one? At this point in my life that’s not my ideal relationship but it all depends on who I am with, on whether they are worth it.

Do you genuinely believe long distance relationships work? It’s not an easy relationship to endure but it depends on the two people involved as long as they are both putting the right amount of effort in it work it can.

What would you need a person to do for you to commit to them in a long distance booship? They would have to be trustworthy, honest and our communication must be on point for the both of us and as I mention before he must be worth it.

January 9, 2012 at 10:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although long distance relationships seem like the death sentence to a couple it CAN work. However there are certain things that are necessary to make it work. Communication (phone, text, skype, regular mail, whatever you choose) must be alternated, must be frequent (but not crazy stalker frequent) and must be completely honest. A great thing to do is have "status reports" like in a business meeting. What has been working in our relationship? What would you like to see more of? less of? How do you think we are progressing as a couple? What can we do to improve our relationship? These are some of the questions that could be asked during your monthly status report. My current boyfriend and I have been together for about a year. Majority of our relationship has been spent away from each other due to us pursuing our educations. The main issue with us is the fact that college has an abundance of girls feeling the "freedom" and guys second brains (you all know what I mean by that) taking control, however that is when you really need to communicate and talk about your relationship and when your next visit will be :). Anything is possible with faith. -optimistic not naive.

January 28, 2012 at 11:56 PM  

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