Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Ex You Fear

This is how I want you to view yourself. You are the new world, you are the unknown. You are everything that is wrong with life as you know it now. You're not essentially bad, but you aren't great. However, the ex is home. The ex is the childhood bedroom that she seeks refuge in when she visits her parent's home. The ex is that favorite t-shit that she never threw away and wears every time she has down time. The ex is those notes she used to write as a child and picks up again as an adult, rediscovering who she once were. All exes are not threats, but the one I've just described is The Ex You Fear:

That Embrace
-The embrace is the initial hug they give her. It's like the world stops and her mind goes blank. She smells his cologne and remembers the familiarity of his body. Every good memory that they ever had together surges through her body. She doesn't feel like she should like it, but she does. Sometimes she doesn't even want to let go.

Old Memories
-Old memories could be either good or bad, whichever they are if she's with an ex to fear then they will be laughable. And laughter between exes are lethal. Laughter, turns into awkward silences, those turn into romantic glances, followed by leaned over kisses that were never meant to be. Familiarity is the strange fruit of a former flame which ripens in the company of old memories and old feelings resurfacing; ready to be eaten bursting with the nectar of guilt and lust.

Those Looks
-There's a time when she sees her ex and she is interested in everything that they have to say. However, there's a transition from her being attentive and then her giving the look; the look is where all she wants to do is take his clothes off and rekindle what was.

You Know "Me"
-It's nothing better than talking to a person that knows and understands you. Talking to an old friend, she happens to jump right back in where she left off. He knows the old her, and exes don't hold her to any high standards they just want to experience her as she is and love her harder because of who she is now.

What Could Have Been
-Thoughts of what could have been are entrapping. Webs of doubt and failed love are sticky to say the least. Did we try as hard as we could have? If we did where would we be now? Maybe since we've been apart so long, we are right for each other now? These thoughts can drive her mind crazy. She could be laying next to you in bed tonight with her mind racing about an ex.

Just As Fine as You Used to Be
-If she's still attracted to her ex that's a recipe for disaster. Because she will most likely compare you to him. How can you beat an imagination, constantly changing with each stroke of genius and longing. It's easier to miss people that we don't have in our life anymore than those that we do.

I Hate Him
-Hating him is even worse. Love mixed with hate is a gas leak in the heart, he's the flame. If ever those two where to bump into each other she could explode with mixed emotions. Women love to hate. Women love to hold on and be upset, they always need closure. What better closure than sex or a resulting healthy companionship with an ex?

Is there an ex that your boyfriend should fear? Is there an ex that you would drop everything or everyone for, to have him back? Is there an ex that even though you wouldn't considering being with him, you'd still have sex with? Have you ever missed an ex while in a relationship? Is there an ex of you boyfriend that your wouldn't trust him around?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Describes my life to the fucking T right now

June 14, 2012 at 11:07 PM  
Blogger All The Single Ladies said...

I have an ex that I absolutely loved and would have given the world for. But he was trash and ended up going to jail. It's been 3 yrs and he's out of jail, but I still feel those butterflies in my stomach when I see him (which isn't very often). My current can tell when I mention him randomly that I have feelings for him that run deep. I know that one day, I'll get over him, but I'd never see him because I know what he does to me still and I have too much respect for my current to set him up like that or make him feel uncomfortable.
I love my current boo more than I love my past relationship. Whatever it takes to keep my current happy, I'm gonna do it!!!

June 14, 2012 at 11:27 PM  

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