Thursday, September 20, 2012

How to PreGame Before Going Out

Pregaming is an art; it's an art many lack. We know this because any giving night at the club we see people falling on their faces, pissing on themselves, throwing up like the girl from the Exorcist, and starting fights for no good reason. These amateurs not only ruin their friend's nights, but usually the night of anyone that they encounter. Nothing is worse than a person that can't hold their liquor, so let me teach you How to Pregame Before Going Out:

Eat Right
When you eat before you go out the plan isn't to pig out or get full. The plan is to just prep your stomach for the alcohol. Your only objective for tonight is to get drunk. Everything is in preparation for getting the perfect buzz and becoming more and more social-able. So go out and have a light snack that fulfills you. Not a feast that will have you in the bed with the itis telling your friends, "Naw bro/girl, I'mma sit this one out."

Foods You Should Eat
Here's a little list of the things you should eat. Think salty or doughy; so pasta, bread, greasy food, and peanuts. All of foods that soak up liquor. Grease lines your stomach and puts that oil in your system as we say in Chicago. Pastas and breads soak up alcohol and slow the digestion of liquor letting you climb to your drunk, instead of crashing and burning. Peanuts and salty foods usually keep you from barfing and dry you out. Just stick to those foods and you should be solid.

Drink Water
Water is the key to life literally. Drinking all that liquor it's only a matter of time before you become dehydrated and pass out like a dumb ass. However, veteran drinkers know that water helps you coast and drink more. For every glass of vodka, rum, tequila or whiskey you have there should be a glass of water being chugged right behind it. Do it like a pro, not a rookie.

The Follow Through
Most people can't handle drinking light and dark alcohol in one night. So if you can help it, start with light and end with light or start with dark and end with dark. I refer to this as the follow-through. I do understand that sometimes those rail drinks or drink specials prove to override this rule. Nevertheless, handling your liquor like a boss should always be your number 1 priority.

Know Your Limit
When you know your limit, you can increase your fun. Some people know their limits and let peer pressure send them on a spiraling alcoholic trip of embarrassment. You don't always have to keep up with your friends. Just enjoy the liq and chill. You'll get your buzz sooner or later that night.

Have you ever drank a little bit more than you could handle? What do you do before you go out? What's your favorite drink? Is a pregame necessary to have a good time before you hit the streets? What's the best drunk story you've got?

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