Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Have You Ever Been D!ckSmacked?

Have You Ever Been D!cksmacked? Have you ever had a big, black heavy d!ck smack you on your lips, cheek, and tongue? Have you ever had a d!ck spanking, whether it was because of your good blow job or your lazy mouth-a-batics skills? A d!cksmack should be merciless, abusing your face with ever ounce of hard d!ck one can muster.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We Ruined Each Other, Poem

We s^cked and We f^cked so much the moans drowned out the talk.
All we did was joke around on those long walks.
We should've taken each other more serious.
Cute smirks, romantic glances turned to barren advances.
What felt like the beginning of forever, so quickly turned to nothing much at all.
I remember the first time I saw you.
Delicious to a set of eyes that weren't hungry.
A worthy investment for a heart that only lusted money.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

MackVice: How Do Men Determine Who They are Going to Use a Condom With?

My readers send me some interesting questions from all the time and I enjoy answering them, hopefully you enjoy reading them. You can send your own questions here or to Pop the Top...

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Monday, February 20, 2012

GUEST POST: Women Need to SEE a Woman to Wanna BE Yo Woman

"The Man with the most women isn't the best looking man, the smartest man, the best dressed man or the richest man. The man with the most women is the man that makes the most women think that other women want him"

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Fellatio Diaries: Women Like to Give Oral Entry VII

Dear theSUNK,

I started sucking d!ck late but I'm happy to have found it. I think I enjoy it more than my victims. I never did drugs, performing fellatio gives me all the high I need. 


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Saturday, February 11, 2012

MackVick: How Do You Get a Male to Orgasm?

My inbox received one of the seemingly most simple questions a few days ago from a reader. However, the most simple questions can make you think of deeper meanings and other sh!t. So just check out the answer and the reasoning I came up with for the homegirl. 


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Friday, February 10, 2012

Guest Post: Polygamy- PROLLY GIMME A Sister Wife

Not too long ago I asked my husband to take a second wife. This isn’t the first time I’ve asked and probably won’t be my last, but every time I ask I get the same look, frown and answer…"NO". But this time I decided to ask him why and his first and only response was “I’m Christian, it’s wrong and it’s a sin”. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that this chick is crazy. Well, no I’m not…at least I don’t think I am, but I have my reasons for asking.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A World of Fun Girls: Are You a Hoe or a Free Spirit?

There seems to be some confusion between what is a hoe and what is a free spirit. Some women think there isn't a difference, but every woman isn't created equal. Some p^ssy gets a pass and others get revered as being hoeish. What separates a rich man that gives from another rich man that gives? It's the intent, the reason behind the giving. "If I can speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but am destitute of Love, I have but become a loud-sounding trumpet or a clanging cymbal." Cor. 13:1(Hoes and Bible Verses. SMH)

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Friday, February 3, 2012

Let It Out: Squirt on this D!ck?!

Squirting is the Big Foot of Sex. Many say they've experienced it and the same amount of others have said it doesn't exist. Some even say it's just p!ss. Now where do I lie on this topic? I've seen it with my own two.  I've seen the build up release as a stream of intense pleasure succumbing to all the body's senses rather it splashed, gushed, or even flew into the air like it came from the opening of some aquatic monstrosity. Ever since I've seen it, I've been addicted to it. It's what I strive for. After you make her squirt, then you make her cum and cum hard. Let It Out and Squirt on This D!ck!!!


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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

GUEST POST: What is "This!?

Remember the movie, “He’s Just Not That into You?” White chick likes white dude; white dude sorta likes white chick but not really; white chick doesn’t believe it, then does believe it and another white dude she totally ignored before ‘fesses up to liking her.

Most of us probably didn’t pay much attention to that movie because it was just another white movie-so we were like, “yeah, that’s their world; that’s them.”   But guess what-that’s us too. We meet a man; get all excited about him, and he just ain’t that into us; same as in white chick world. But that’s where the similarity ends.  In white chick world the entire act, cycles through in about two weeks-week one she likes him, week one and a half, she realizes he ain’t into her, week two she lets him go and dude two comes along…done.  That ain’t us….we’ll hang onto a n!ggah for years! Knowing he’s not really into us, we hang on anyhow hoping this quasi-relationship will morph into something more. 

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